Wall Street bankers may be rolling in dough once again, but Butte County is still in a recession. There are people here without jobs, some are losing their homes. Meanwhile, the advocates of politics as usual are asking for contributions to their campaigns. “Experts” say it takes about a hundred thousand dollars to win a county-wide race. Forget about the small amounts extorted from the working class. The real action is where fat checks pass from the well-heeled, and into the eager grasp of hungry politicians.
Consider what it means when one person receives money from another. In the real world, he who hands over money wants something back. It matters not whether it goes to a panhandler, a prostitute, a plumber or a politician; some good or service is expected in return, large or small. Things haven’t changed much over the centuries either; consider the Latin phrase, “quid pro quo”, which literally means “something for something.”
What happens to all that campaign money? Well it buys such goodies as yard signs, larger signs along highways, and expensive t.v. commercials. Oh yeah, don’t forget those unsolicited last-minute mailers, jamming up your mail box, too slick and nasty to re-cycle. The only “re-cycling” that occurs is when there is money left over from an election. Politicians rat-hole that money and stash it away for their next campaign.
I am informed that both Mike Ramsey and Lance Daniel are actively seeking campaign donations. Every time you see one of their mass-produced signs, think about the damage to our over-burdened land-fill. Every time you watch one of their studio-produced t.v. commercials, think of the implicit promises that purchased it.
I’m not accepting contributions. When you’re not seeing crap, think of me.