Friday, May 7, 2010

Ramsey is not "top cop"

You see it proclaimed in the newspaper or on t.v.: “Mike Ramsey, top law enforcement official in Butte County…” And the implication is that Ramsey calls the shots for the entire law enforcement community of our county. The real truth is that Ramsey only gets to boss around his small cadre of DA investigators. *FN

You see, there are a number of independent law enforcement agencies in Butte County. The Chico Police Department, the Butte County Sheriff’s Office, and the Oroville Police Department come readily to mind. Each of the afore-mentioned agencies is funded by taxpayer dollars, and has its own separate chain of command and responsibilities. CSU Chico has its own police force. And don’t forget the California Highway Patrol, which is a state-wide agency. It is ludicrous to insinuate that any of these agencies are under Ramsey’s control, or that they must answer to him.

However, law enforcement does have a working relationship with Ramsey’s office. Here’s how it works: An officer investigates a crime, prepares a report, and submits the report to the DA’s office for prosecution. The DA’s office reviews the report(s), etc., and decides what, if any, criminal complaint will be filed. The investigating officer remains available for further consultation or testimony at trial.

There is no chief law enforcement official in Butte County. When I am elected to the office of Butte County District Attorney, don’t call me “top lawman”. I will be merely an elected official running the DA’s office.

*FN. I write from my own knowledge and observations. Any inaccuracies herein originate with myself, and no other person.