In my campaign blog, I said that North Korea and Libya are examples of countries where strongmen have ruled for decades, and that such is anathema to the American way. I was making a comparison to Ramsey’s 23-year reign. A reader has asked if I meant this to apply to Jane Dolan’s 32-year tenure. The answer is no.
There’s big differences between being a county supervisor and being head honcho District Attorney. There are five supervisors, therefore no one supervisor can run the show. County supervisors share power with towns, cities, California, and the Federal government. By contrast, the DA shares power with no one, and is only minimally answerable to the Attorney General or the Grand Jury. Short of recall or indictment, the only way to extract a recalcitrant DA is to unelect him.
I was also asked if I endorse Jane Dolan, or anyone, for that matter. Again, no. As an independent (and temporary public figure), I am not seeking or dispensing endorsements. As a private citizen, I will cast my absentee ballot within the privacy of my home in absolute confidentiality. The entire purpose of my campaign is to address issues that I deem germane to the DA’s race. I’m not running for other offices and will not comment upon them.
The rebel part of me whispers “Why don’t they throw everyone out?” The more temperate approach is to urge robust challenges to all incumbents. Those incumbents that survive such challenges are the true choice of the people.