Right after I filed my papers to be a candidate, there was some snarling by the Lance Daniel crowd that I had somehow been co-opted by Mike Ramsey to act as a spoiler. Supposedly my goal was to hand the race to Ramsey. In similar fashion, the rabidly anti-Daniel crowd has suggested that my entering the race will harm Ramsey to the extent that Daniel will prevail.
Okay, first off, Dale does things for his own reasons, and does not consult with Mike Ramsey. I have no direct contact with Ramsey at all. Once in a blue moon I see him in the court corridors, and I say “hi, Mike.” That earns me a stiff little nod, no more, no less.
Now let’s examine the Lance Daniel issue. If it is true, that in a 2-person race, Daniel’s bankroll would have allowed him to get somewhere near 50% of the vote, how then does it follow that my entry into the race helps him? Not to beat the point to death, but I did get a respectable share of the vote when I last ran. If Lance Daniel were to get that 50% in a 2-person race, at least half of his vote would be people holding their noses and simply voting to get Ramsey out. My own opinion is that Lance Daniel has zero chance of winning the primary outright.
Some say I entered the race on behalf of Ramsey to “spoil” it for Daniel. Some say that my quixotic entry will harm Ramsey and allow Daniel to take it. I say that Daniel is my spoiler, and with his lance in Ramsey’s side I might yet be able to take the old bull elephant down.