Anthony Peyton Porter, in his Chico N&R article of 5/21/10, stated that I showed promise of being “real” and “human”. Thank you, Anthony.
You see, to be human is the antithesis of PAU (Politics As Usual). PAU decrees that a political candidate reduce his essence to a catchy, yet vague slogan. Thereafter he will assault the voters with a veritable barrage of tv ads, mailers, signs and other campaign garbage. PAU mandates that each particle of information be massaged and scrutinized to avoid offense to any potential voter.
All that PAU crap makes me gag. In my blog, I’ve been striving to reveal myself through my writing. Perceptive readers understand that when one openly expresses his or her thoughts, the true person is inevitably exposed.
There are thousands in Butte County who know me on some level. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I walk through the hallways of the main court in Oroville, carrying my plastic box full of CPS files. I’ve eaten at Chico’s La Comida and Italian Cottage restaurants for years. I’ve wandered through Kragen, OSH and Home Depot in my dirty work clothes. I’ve danced many times in the City Plaza in my signature tie-dyed tank tops.
I’m a good choice to replace Ramsey because of the following:
I am real smart. I learn quickly. I am patient and can control my temper. I can interpret the language of law into the common tongue. I am intimately acquainted with criminal law and the Butte County court system. I am accomplished in legal research and the writing of motions, writs and appeals. I understand the human pain that goes hand-in-hand with the legal process.
You see, whatever I am; good, bad or ugly; it’s all visible and can’t be hidden. Ramsey tries to hide his persona, but over time, his essence has been revealed. Suffice it to say that Ramsey repels and alienates many, many people. Finally, we don’t know what Lance Daniel is all about, and we won’t before June 8th. But it’s a moot issue. Daniel is not one of us.
I’ll close with a quote from one of the lesser-recognized philosophers and cartoon heroes.
As Popeye sez: “I yam what I yam.”